


first thing, great thank to ThunderZ ^___^
second thing, palette function are not sync with vblank   so, small line are visible when fade ....

these functions not use gppaletteentry so, replace gppaletteentry by 'unsigned int'


    this function replace actual palette by a completely black palette (color = 0x0000)

* white_pal

    this function replace actual palette by a completely white palette (color = 0xFFFF)

* random_pal

    this function replace all actual palette color by random colors

* fade_out

void fade_out(int speed)

this function fade until all palette color was != 0 (until all screen not entirely black)
speed is number of ms between every fade pass

* fade_to_palette

void fade_to_palette(short speed, unsigned int *pal_to_go)

    this function auto fade the actual palette to go to the specified palette

* fade_color

void fade_color(short powa, short speed, char repeat, char color_id)

    this function fade the specific color (r g or b) in or out

    short powa        : if upper than 0, fade in, else, fade out
    short speed        : time between two fade pass
    char repeat        : the number of pass of fade to do
    char color_id     : define the color to fade, 'r' for red   'v' for green   and 'b' for blue

there is no fade in function, but it's possible to fade in :

at the start of your prgm :
unsigned int white_pal[256] ;        // create a palette
for(cpt=0;cpt<0xFF;cpt++) white_pal[cpt] = 0xFFFF ;    // init all palette colors to be white

in your game :
fade_to_palette(40,white_pal) ;  // fade in :-)



