

Gfx Objet


a gfx object is a bank of image and animations
in game it will be used for balls, perso, ennemi, bonus, ....

create and load

create :
    it's very easy : struct gfx my_gfx_object ;

load :

    load an bitmap into a gfx object
    load anims into a gfx object
    load many anim who are in the same bitmap in a gfx object

    load an bitmap into a gfx object

sorry, not write set_gfx function to load unique image into a gfx objet
due to using of real size and pos of frames, not easy to define object at 'hand' ^^'
but you can use load anim to load one or many image into your object

    load anims into a gfx object

by default you can load 30 anims max into a gfx object (you can modifi this value in the file stucture.h)
these anims are make with the gfx object image bank

to load an anim into a gfx object, use load_anim function

    void load_anim(struct gfx * gfx,char id_anim,unsigned char frm_start,unsigned char frm_number,unsigned char * anim,unsigned short time, char repeat,char sens, unsigned short sx,unsigned short sy,unsigned short px,unsigned short py,unsigned short tr_color)

        struct gfx * gfx               pointer to the gfx object
        char id_anim                  the animation number of the gfx object where load the anim
        char frm_start                the frame number in the gfx object image bank where start to load the anim frames
        char frm_number            number of frames in the anim
        unsigned char * anim      pointer to the anim bitmap
        unsigned short time         time between 2 frames
        char repeat                     type of anim : 0=123 1=123212.. 2=123123.. 3=123333.. 4=123111..
        char sens                        anim way : 0=123 1=321
        unsigned short sx            y size in pixel of a frame
        unsigned short sy            x size in pixel of a frame
        unsigned short px            pos x where the gfx object will be init
        unsigned short py            pos y where the gfx object will be init
        unsigned short tr_color    gfx object transparent color

exemple, to load these 4 anims of link in the same gfx object

struct gfx link ;    // declare the gfx object

    // load anim of link walk left, in anim 0 of the gfx object link, load at frame 0 of the gfx image bank, 7 frames, 75ms between 2 frames, animate in 123123, frame size is 16*24, gfx object link is init at pos 170*110, transp color is 0xB3
load_anim(&link,0,0,7,(unsigned char *)walk_left,75,2,0,16,24,170,110,0xB3) ;
load_anim(&link,1,7,7,(unsigned char *)walk_right,75,2,0,16,24,170,110,0xB3) ;        
// load anim 1 : walk right (start load in frame 7 due to the anim 0 who are load in part 0-6 of the image bank)
load_anim(&link,2,14,9,(unsigned char *)walk_down,75,2,0,16,24,170,110,0xB3) ;    // load anim 2 : walk down (start load in frame 7+7=14)
load_anim(&link,3,23,9,(unsigned char *)walk_up,75,2,0,16,24,170,110,0xB3) ;        // load anim 3 : walk up (start load in frame 7+7+9=23)

all anims load in a same gfx object must have the same frame size,
the load anim function scan bitmap to search real image position and size to just draw what is needed,
so, you can use big frame size for easily add and group movements in the same gfx object :-)

in previous link's anims, we'll can't load the sword anim due to the size of the gfx object who's 16*24 and sword anim size is 32*32

the best is to set frame size at frame size of the bigger anim (in zelda it will be the cyclon attack) and center all anim on this size

by exemple, zeubdal use frame of 112*128, it's ok for all movements

    load many anim who are in the same bitmap in a gfx object

21 frames of 32*32 pixels for 3 anim in this bitmap

code to load these 3 anim into a gfx object :
struct gfx perso ; // declaration of the gfx object

// define all the image as only one anim (one anim of 21 frame) with info of the first real anim (with only 2 frames)

load_anim(&perso,0,0,21,(unsigned char *)perso_img,150,2,0,32,32,135,0,0xB3) ; // load anim at image 0 of the gfx object img bank, 21 frames, source bitmap : perso_img, 150ms between frames, anim type 123123, frame size : 32*32, init gfx object at pos 135,0 transp color is 0xB3

// modifi anim 0 for stop at frame 2 (frame 2 of image bank of the gfx object)
perso.animation[0].frame_stop = 2 ;

// now all anims frames are load into the gfx object, time to define the anim 1 and 2 with these frames

set_anim(&perso,1,2,4,100,1,0) ; // declare the anim 1, start at frame 2 and stop at frame 4, 100ms between every frames, anim type 1232123
set_anim(&perso,2,5,20,55,2,0) ; // declare the anim 2, start at image 5 and stop at frame 20, 55ms between every frames, anim type 123123

// the 3 anim are load :-)

caution : frame_stop parametter got first frame as 1, set_anim function first frame is 0

gfx's draw functions

* draw_gfx

    this function draw a specific frame of the image bank of a gfx object
    image will be draw at pos_x pos_y gfx's object properties
    with this function, the pos is define on the screen

draw_gfx(struct gfx * gfx, char sens, unsigned char img_id)

        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        char sens                    0 : normal display    1 : display image inverted        // cut function not support inverted image, same as colision functions, don't use this option
        unsigned char img_id   the image number in the gfx image bank to draw

* draw_gfx_xy

    this function draw a specific frame of the image bank of a gfx object at the specified position
    with this function, the pos is define on the screen

draw_gfx_xy(struct gfx * gfx, short x, short y, char sens, unsigned char img_id)

        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        short x                        the x pos where the image will be draw
        short y                        the y pos where the image will be draw
        char sens                    0 : normal display    1 : display image inverted
        unsigned char img_id   the image number in the gfx image bank to draw

* play_anim

    this function draw and animate the specified anim of a gfx object
    anim will be draw at pos_x pos_y gfx's object properties
    with this function, the pos is define on the screen

play_anim(struct gfx * gfx, char id_anim, unsigned char sens)

        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        char id_anim               the animation number to draw
        char sens                    0 : normal display    1 : display image inverted

* play_anim_xy

    this function draw and animate the specific anim of a gfx object at the specified position
    with this function, the pos is define on the screen

play_anim_xy(struct gfx * gfx, char id_anim, short x, short y, unsigned char sens)

        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        char id_anim               the animation number to draw
        short x                        the x pos where the anim will be draw
        short y                        the y pos where the anim will be draw
        char sens                    0 : normal display    1 : display image inverted

draw routine with gfx's coordonates define on a map :

* draw_gfx_on_map

void draw_gfx_on_map(struct gfx * gfx, struct map * map, char sens, unsigned char img_id)

        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        struct map * map        pointer to the map object
        char sens                    0 : normal display    1 : display image inverted
        unsigned char img_id   the image number in the gfx image bank to draw

* play_anim_on_map 

void play_anim_on_map(struct gfx * gfx, struct map * map, char id_anim, unsigned char sens)

        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        struct map * map        pointer to the map object
        char id_anim               the animation number to draw
        char sens                    0 : normal display    1 : display image inverted

gfx's colisions routines

* test_colision_zone

    this function test zone colision between 2 gfx object

        short test_colision_zone(struct gfx * sprite1, struct gfx * sprite2,char type)

        struct gfx * sprite1            pointer to the gfx object 1
        struct gfx * sprite2            pointer to the gfx object 2
        char type                          type of colision test : if type = 0, test only if the 2 images box colide, return 0 or 1
                                                                                if type = 1, return a number between 1 and 9 who are the zone where the sprite 2 colide on sprite 1

                                                                                                            1     2    3
                                                                                                            4     5    6                0
                                                                                                            7     8    9

* test_colision_pixel

        this function test pixel colision between 2 animated gfx objects

        short test_colision_pixel(struct gfx * sprite1, struct gfx * sprite2, char anim_1, char anim_2, char count,unsigned short trace)

        struct gfx * sprite1            pointer to the gfx object 1
        struct gfx * sprite2            pointer to the gfx object 2
        char anim_1                      the animation number of the sprite 1 to test
        char anim_2                      the animation number of the sprite 2 to test
        char count                        define if function stop at the first detection (0) or count and return the number of pixel in 'contact' (1)
        unsigned short trace          if trace is != 0 and count is enabled, the function draw in the color equal at the trace value all pixels who are in colision


