gdl support font of any size, with
256 char max by font
8*8 font : 
16*16 font : 
32*32 font : 
(font bitmaps make by fagemul :)
create a font object
struct font my_font ;
load a font in a font object
simply use load_font function :
void load_font(struct font * font, unsigned
char * img_font, unsigned char sx, unsigned char sy, unsigned
short tr_color, unsigned char nb_char)
struct font * font pointer
to the font object
unsigned char * img_font pointer
to the image who contain the font
unsigned char sx x
size in pixel of a letter
unsigned char sy y
size in pixel of a letter
unsigned short tr_color transparencie
unsigned char nb_char number
of letter to load
exemple :
char *)FONT16,16,16,0xBF,64) ;
char *)FONT8,8,8,0xB3,95) ;
draw a text
* draw_text
this function draw specified txt at the
specified pos
void draw_text(struct font * font,char
* text, unsigned short x, unsigned short y)
stuct font * font pointer
to the font object
char * txt pointer
to the text to draw
unsigned short x,y coordonate
where draw the txt
* draw_text_rl
this function draw specified txt, end
of txt draw will be at the specified pos (right alignment)
void draw_text_rl(struct font * font,char
* text, unsigned short x, unsigned short y)
stuct font * font pointer
to the font object
char * txt pointer
to the text to draw
unsigned short x,y coordonate
where draw the txt
exemple :
- %i", points, lives) ;