

Map objet

a map object is a layer, it can be transparents and animate

actually just map with tiles of 16*16 or 32*32 can be draw

create and load

create :
    it's very easy : struct map my_map ;

load :

to load a map, you need the bitmap with tiles tab, and the map array (use mappy to generate it)
use set_map function to load tiles and array in your map object

* set_map

void set_map(struct map * map,short * map_tab, unsigned short size_x, unsigned short size_y, int scrool_x, int scrool_y, unsigned char * tiles, unsigned short nb_tiles, unsigned char size_tile_x, unsigned char size_tile_y, unsigned short transp_color)

        struct map * map                   pointer to the map object
        unsigned short size_x              x size of the map, in tiles 
        unsigned short size_y              y size of the map, in tiles 
        int scrool_x                             the scrool value in x where the map will be init
        int scrool_y                             the scrool value in y where the map will be init
        unsigned char * tiles                the bitmap where is the tab of tiles
        unsigned short nb_tiles            number of tiles to load
        unsigned char size_tile_x         size of the tile, in x
        unsigned char size_tile_y         size of the tile, in y
        unsigned short transp_color     transparent color (0 = no transparent tiles)

exemple :

short my_map[15][10] = {
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 1, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 12, 1 },
{ 1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1 },
{ 1, 4, 0, 0, 25, 0, 2, 0, 4, 1 },
{ 4, 4, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4, 4 },
{ 4, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4 },
{ 3, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3 },
{ 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3 },
{ 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 3 },
{ 4, 4, 0, 2, 0, 24, 2, 0, 4, 4 },
{ 4, 4, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4 },
{ 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1 },
{ 1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1 },
{ 1, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 12, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }

                                struct map bg ;
       // declare the map
                                set_map(&bg,(short *)my_map,10,15,0,0,(unsigned char *)tile_bitmap,26,32,32,0xB3) ;    // load the map

caution, tile number 0 will never be draw, so use it for complette transparent tiles
set_map function will scans all tiles to search for transp color, to draw thems with bitblt or transpbitblt
if all yours tiles are not transparents, put 0 at transp color, and tiles will not be scan and will be draw in bitblt
so, you can't have color 0 for transparencie color in your bmp, that the same way with gfx object

with set_map you can't load animated tiles, to load it use load_animated_tile

* load_animated_tile

load_animated_tile load and init an animated tile in a map object

void load_animated_tile(struct map * map, unsigned char * tile_bmp, unsigned short nb_tiles, unsigned short id_tile, unsigned char type_anim, unsigned short time_anim)

        struct map * map                pointer to the map object
        unsigned char * tile_bmp     pointeur image where is animated tile
        unsigned char nb_tiles          number of frame of the animated tile
        char id_tile                          the number in tab tile of the map object where load the animated tile
        unsigned char type_anim      type of anim for this tile  ( 0 : 123123...  1 : 123333... 2 : 123111... 3 : 1232123.. )
        unsigned short time_anim     time in between 2 frames of the anim

 exemple :

you got a map and the tile number 78, flower, got this anim :         animate in 123123 with 150ms between every frames, 3 16*16 frames

        load_animated_tile(&my_map,(unsigned char *)tile_78,3,78,0,150) ;

map draw functions


    this function draw on the entire screen an animated map, tile size must be 16*16
    the part of the map will be draw depend of scrool_x and scrool_y map object properties

draw_map_animated_16(struct map * map)

        struct map * map        pointer to the map object to draw

* draw_map_animated_32

    this function draw on the entire screen an animated map, tile size must be 32*32
    the part of the map will be draw depend of scrool_x and scrool_y map object properties

draw_map_animated_32(struct map * map)

        struct map * map        pointer to the map object to draw

exemple : draw_map_animated_16(&bg) ;

map scrool functions

map object got 4 properties, 2 var who define scrool value and 2 other who are scrool max value

scrool_x : actual scroll in x value, 0 : left
scrool_y : actual scroll in y value, 0 : up

map_max_x : the max value for the x scrool, is compute on set_map
map_max_y : the max value for the y scrool, is compute on set_map

so   0 <= scrool_x <= map_max_x        and        0 <= scrool_y <= map_max_y

acces to this propertie :

struct map my_map ;            // declare the map object 'my_map'

my_map.scrool_x += 50 ;    // increse the scrool_x of my_map of 50 pixels
my_map.scrool_y = 2986 ;    // define my_map scrool_y at 2986 pixel from the up of the map

* auto_scrool

this function auto scrool a map to folow a rect

void auto_scrool(struct map * map, short pos_x, short pos_y, short size_x, short size_y, short limit_up, short limit_down, short limit_right, short limit_left)

        struct map * map        pointer to the map
        short pos_x                pos_x of the rect to folow
        short pos_y                pos_y of the rect to folow
        short size_x                x size of the rect
        short size_y                y size of the rect
        short limit_up              limit up on from the up of the screen where be the rect to scrool
        short limit_down         limit down ...
        short limit_right           limit right ...
        short limit_left             limit left ...

exemple : auto_scrool(&bg, link.pos_x>>1, link.pos_y>>1, 16, 24, 60, 80, 80) ;

* folow_gfx

this function use auto_scrool to folow an gfx object
the gfx object must have pos_x pos_y propertie define on the map

void folow_gfx(struct map * map, struct gfx * gfx, short limit_up, short limit_down, short limit_right, short limit_left)

        struct map * map        pointer to the map
        struct gfx * gfx            pointer to the gfx object
        short limit_up              limit up on from the up of the screen where be the gfxobject for scrool
        short limit_down         limit down ...
        short limit_right           limit right ...
        short limit_left             limit left ...

exemple : folow_gfx(&level, &link, 60, 60, 80, 80) ;

tiles detection

all tiles got a 'walkable' properties
it's an unsigned char, so you got 8 bit by tile to define his detection

                bite 7 -> masq = 10000000 = 128 = 0x80
                bite 6 -> masq = 01000000 = 64  = 0x40
                bite 5 -> masq = 00100000 = 32  = 0x20
                bite 4 -> masq = 00010000 = 16  = 0x10
                bite 3 -> masq = 00001000 = 8   = 0x8
                bite 2 -> masq = 00000100 = 4   = 0x4
                bite 1 -> masq = 00000010 = 2   = 0x2
                bite 0 -> masq = 00000001 = 1   = 0x1

you need to make your own protocol colision
ex :

bite 0 define if tile is block when go up
bite 1 ............................................down
bite 2 ............................................left
bite 3 ............................................right
bite 4 define is tile can be broken
ect ...

* set_walkable_on_tiles

this function define walkable propertie of tiles

void set_walkable_on_tiles(struct map * map,unsigned char * walkable, unsigned short nb_tiles)

       struct map * map                pointer to the map
       unsigned char * walkable    pointer to the tab containing all walkable var
       unsigned short nb_tiles        the number of tile to define

exemple :
           set_walkable_on_tiles(&level,(unsigned char *)"01111111111100000000000000",26) ;

unsignedchar tile_colision[50] = { 0,0x4,0,0xF,0xF,0xF,0xF,0xF,0xF,0x4,
0xF,0xF,0xF,0xF,0xF,0xF,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };


* get_walkable

    this function return the walkable var of the tile number 'id' of the map 'map'

char get_walkable(struct map * map, short id)

* set_walkable

    this function set the walkable var of the tile number 'id' of the map 'map' with 'walkable' value

void set_walkable(struct map * map, short id, unsigned char walkable)

* test_tile

    this function return the mask between the walkable var of the tile number 'id' of the map 'map' and the specified value 'mask'

char test_tile(struct map * map, short id_tile, unsigned char masq)

    by exemple if you define bite 3 to block down, test tile with 0x8, if the return value is != 0, your tile will block down else, you can move down

* get_tile

    this function return the tile number  display at the x,y screen coordonate

short get_tile(struct map * map, short x, short y)

* set_tile

    this function change the tile display at the x,y screen coordonate by the specified tile 'id'

void set_tile(struct map * map, short x, short y, short id)

* get_start_pos_of_a_tile

    this function return the pos_x pos_y map position (remove scrool value to the pos compute to get the tile screen pos) of the tile display at the specified screen x,y coordonate

void get_start_pos_of_a_tile(struct map * map,unsigned short x,unsigned short y,short *startx,short *starty)

       struct map * map                pointer to the map
       unsigned short x                  screen x pos where is display the tile to get coordonate
       unsigned short y                  screen y pos where is display the tile to get coordonate
       short * startx                       pointer to the var who'll receve the value of the pos_x of the tile (pos on map)
       short * starty                       pointer to the var who'll receve the value of the pos_y of the tile (pos on map)

concretely use tile detection :

you got a gfx object nammed 'mario'    (with his pos define on the map nammed 'game')

exemple of code to detect and move mario on the left :                (here, tile protocol define bite 1 (0x2) to block on the left)

// function to test tiles display at the left of mario (here we test 3 point to the left of mario : up left, middle left and down left of mario. number of point to test depend of your sprite and tile size)

char can_mario_left(void)
        if(mario.pos_x <= 0) return 0 ;
            if(! test_tile(&game,get_tile(&game,mario.pos_x - game.scrool_x,mario.pos_y+1 - game.scrool_y),0x2)        // test up left of mario
                if(! test_tile(&game,get_tile(&game,mario.pos_x - game.scrool_x,mario.pos_y + 14 - game.scrool_y),0x2))    // test middle left of mario
                        if(! test_tile(&game,get_tile(&game,mario.pos_x - game.scrool_x,mario.pos_y + mario.size_y-1 - game.scrool_y),0x2))    // test down left of mario
                                return 1 ; // if the 3 point are not block on left, return 1
        return 0 ;    // if a blocking tile detected, return 0

// this function test if mario can move and if can, move him
unsigned short go_left(unsigned char powa)
                if(can_mario_left())        mario.pos_x-- ;
                else                               return 0 ;
        } while(powa--) ;
        return 1 ;




